Alternative to Kajabi

Looking for an alternative to Kajabi?

Unlock your course’s true profit potential in just a few clicks.
Laptop with celebration: Wow Marisa! Your New High Score, 500 Points! 😍

Xperiencify, loved by course creators from around the world.

As an all-in-one business platform, we can’t deny Kajabi's brilliant range of features. They seem to have it all.

But that’s part of the problem.

In our experience, when platforms try to do so much, they can end up doing everything in a "meh" kind of way. Everything is just OK — just good enough to keep you from leaving.

After all, when you're spread so thin, it's a mighty task not to slip on quality. Especially when you're quite literally trying to do everything, for everybody.

Online Courses
Memberships & Subscriptions
7 Gamification Triggers 🕹️
Student Email
Broadcast Newsletters
Website/Custom Pages
iOS & Android App
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)

*Unlimited Courses*

Coming Soon!


*15 Course Limit*

Great for podcasters!
Useless for everyone else

Great for newsletter publishers! Useless for everyone else

Seperate order forms needed for different payment options

So while we don't do absolutely everything that Kajabi does (and we come pretty darn close!) there are some things we do that they'll NEVER do.

Most Importantly, We Solve Your
"Course Problem"

The research says that, on average, 97% of students drop out of the courses they buy.

And when this happens, it can cost thousands of dollars in missed sales; all those purchases those students would have made in the future.

On the other hand, courses running on Xperiencify have average student completion rates of 30-90%, which can easily result in a 10X increase in your bottom line profit.

Here’s how...

When you give your students the “traditional” course experience with any another platform, course completion rates are around:


Which means that only a handful of students will want to buy from you again

A handful of students

This is a huge financial loss to you because return customers are up to 16 times more profitable to your business than first time customers.

Man with empty pockets

Upgrade your course with Xperiencify’s unique gamification & experiential learning tools and course completion rates will be at least...

Most of our customers get more than this!

When you have more than 10 times the number of students getting results, it translates to a HUGE increase in the number of people who buy from you again, refer you and become customers for life.

A large crowd of students

This translates to a HUGE financial win for you, because return customers are up to 16 times more profitable to your business.

Sack of gold
We accomplish that by adding SEVEN powerful gamification triggers into every course you place on Xperiencify.

Trigger 1: Points

All the most addictive apps and games out there give you points when you take action. As a result, they're incredibly motivating! But for some reason, it just never caught on for online courses.

That’s why Xperiencify puts points front and center, a critical feature of your students’ experience with your course.

Just add points and your students will want to keep earning them day and night!

Trigger 1Points
Points for actions (Read more)
Custom points sound effects (Read more)
Drop content for points (Read more)
Spend points (Read more)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)
At just the 31 day mark, 20% have fully completed the course. 82% of users have been active in the last 18 days. 51% of our users have half of the total XPs available.

Josh Turner, Linked Selling

Trigger 2: Variable Rewards

All the most addictive apps and games out there give you points when you take action. As a result, they're incredibly motivating! But for some reason, it just never caught on for online courses.

That’s why Xperiencify puts points front and center, a critical feature of your students’ experience with your course.

Just add points and your students will want to keep earning them day and night!

Trigger 2Variable Rewards
Random points (Read more)
Random sound effects (Read more)
Easter eggs (Read more)
Surprise gifts (Read more)
”Choose Your Own Adventure” courses (Read more)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)
This is unheard of!!! We started our Experience Sales Masterclass last Tuesday – an experiential, gamified online class to learn how to have fun and ease when selling – and the engagement is thru the ROOF 😮😮😮 !!!

Nathalie Dahl, Experience Sales Masterclass

Trigger 3: Urgency & FOMO

Marketers will tell you that the day they close their promotion will have the highest amount of sales. Why? Nobody wants to miss out.

Most course platforms ignore this fact of life. But Xperiencify takes human nature in stride by allowing you to add urgency to your course.

Trigger 3Urgency & FOMO
Countdowns (Read more)
”Self-destructing” content (Read more)
”Use-It-Or-Lose-It“ courses (Read more)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)
I absolutely ADORE the concept of offering the 'use it or lose it' model for a free course. I find myself getting into a panic checking multiple times a week to make sure that I complete all of my assignments. And, as a returning student, it does keep completing the course top of mind WAAAYYYYY more often than if there was no end date. Definitely using this on my people! 😆

Krista Hayes

Trigger 4: Social Proof

People love being social, but most online courses are designed to be done in isolation. There’s no feedback. Not from the course creator. Not from others. And that’s demotivating.

That’s where Xperiencify shines. It incorporates fun ways for your students to get important social approval & feedback and have a little fun too.

Trigger 4Social Proof
Leaderboards (Read more)
Micro-Leaderboards (Read more)
Facebook (Read more)
Certificates (Read more)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)
Tomorrow I’ll be officially, fully, migrated to XP. By far, the greatest decision EVER. People are loving it! Can’t wait for more! 🔥

Jose Mier Montero

Trigger 5: Community

Just like a gym buddy, a great community can help students stay motivated, on track and taking action. It's a fact that people will buy your course for the result you promise, but they'll stay for life when they feel connected to a community.

Xperiencify builds a powerful community for you automatically, right from the very first moment.

Trigger 5Community
”Warm Welcome” (Read more)
Commenting (Read more)
Commenting on each training (Read more)
Watch Parties (Read more)
Popup Chatrooms (Read more)
Discussions (Read more)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)

Trigger 6: Celebrations

Player milestone & achievement celebrations is a favorite feature in virtually every single video game. But typically, courses don't celebrate us for anything. In fact, your only “win” for hitting a goal is usually yet more work. And that's demotivating for students, and can drive them to quit your course.

We've borrowed the idea of custom milestone & achievement celebrations and put it to work in courses, so that your students feel constantly celebrated, validated and motivated,

Trigger 6Celebrations
“Way to Go!”
“Easter Egg”
“Hi Score”
“Welcome Back”
“Mission Accomplished”
Celebration Builder (build your own)
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)

Trigger 7: Personalization

The best games personalize the experience to you. They respond to your actions, and you get a customized journey. That's part of the reason they're so addictive. Why don't courses do that? With Xperiencify, now they do.

Think of Xperiencify like your own unpaid employee who watches your students 24/7 to find ways to create an amazing experience for them.

Our “Experience Engine” calculates exactly what's needed for each student so they engage more deeply & take more action, so they get results, and buy from you again.

Trigger 7Personalization
Encouragement (Read more)
Prevent Dropouts (Read more)
Goal Recognition (Read more)
Quizzes & Assessments (Read more)
Question Types
Quiz Results Can Personalize Course
”Binge” Mode (Read more)
Content Tracks
Xperiencify(from $99/mo)($99/mo)