Looking for the pricing table?

I'm a lot like you!

I see a lot of interesting software, but their pricing pages usually do a lousy job at showing you their true value to you.

Xperiencify isn’t the cheapest on the market, but we all know that cheap software can sometimes turn out to be “expensive”, especially if it doesn’t do what you need or comes with hidden costs.

So, here’s some perspective on Xperiencify’s value VS price, so you can make an informed choice!

Murray Gray, Xperiencify

Murray Gray, Founder of Xperiencify

What most course creators don’t understand...

You’re Already Losing $1,000s on This Problem and Don’t Even Know It

The research says that, on average, 97% of students drop out of the courses they buy.

And when this happens, it can cost thousands of dollars in missed sales; all those purchases those students would have made in the future.

On the other hand, courses running on Xperiencify have average student completion rates of 30-90%, which can easily result in a 10X increase in your bottom line profit.

Here’s how...

When you give your students the “traditional” course experience with any another platform, course completion rates are around:


Which means that only a handful of students will want to buy from you again

A handful of students

This is a huge financial loss to you because return customers are up to 16 times more profitable to your business than first time customers.

Man with empty pockets

Upgrade your course with Xperiencify’s unique gamification & experiential learning tools and course completion rates will be at least...

Most of our customers get more than this!

When you have more than 10 times the number of students getting results, it translates to a HUGE increase in the number of people who buy from you again, refer you and become customers for life.

A large crowd of students

This translates to a HUGE financial win for you, because return customers are up to 16 times more profitable to your business.

Sack of gold

Want to Get Started Faster?

Save yourself a huge amount of time, stress and energy by letting us build your course for you!

We have a variety of options you can choose from to have our course experts build your course for you.

All of our packages come with:

  • •  A complimentary 1-year subscription on our Growth Plan
  • •  A 150% money back guarantee. No, seriously. 150%.

Click the button below to learn more about our packages.


Build Your Course Free.Only Pay When You Go Live.


Growth plan 🚀

For growing course creators

Pro plan 💪🏽

Established course creators

Platinum plan 🪐

For education empires


Need More?


per month


per month


per month
Unlimited Courses
Published Courses
Unlimited Students
Active Monthly Students
Admin users

Core Features

Our best stuff


Points, badges, sounds, celebrations


Forum, chat & DMs

Quizzes & Assessments


Coming soon

Completion Certificates


Mobile App


Selling Tools

To help you make more money

In-built Order Forms

Stripe (credit card) & Paypal (coming soon)

Transaction Fees

Always zero, unlike the others


Upsells & Order Bumps

Coming soon!

Bundled Courses & Content

Affiliate Management

Learning & Support

Resoureces to help you get started quickly

Email Support

Private Community

Live Group Coaching

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Priority Support

Free Migration

When purchasing annual plan


If you know, you know ;-)


Custom Fields


Video Transcription



Theme Customization (CSS)

Custom Domain


Resell Xperiencify Accounts

Tell Me More About Your Features


  • Points: assign a customizable amount points to anything in your course
  • Celebrations: create and trigger a full-screen animated celebration anywhere in your course, plus access to our Celebration Builder
  • Countdowns: create custom countdowns inside your course to help students to not lose urgency to take action
  • Variable Rewards: set up unexpected points, surprises, gifts, celebrations, etc in your course. (This gets highly addictive when done right!)
  • Easter Eggs: set up unexpected points, surprises, gifts, celebrations, etc in your course. (This gets highly addictive when done right!)
  • Leaderboards: allows your students to see themselves on the top score leaderboard for your course
  • Micro-Leaderboards: create niche leaderboards so more students have a chance to see themselves at the #1 spot!
  • Badges: create unlimited customized badges to allow students to feel special, and part of a select or exclusive group. Also they inspire a powerful desire to collect them all!
  • Content Tracks: Create different point types and segment your course or membership into separate tracks
Get Started FREE

Experience Engine

The Experience Engine is your unpaid employee working tirelessly behind the scenes 24/7, looking for ways to create an amazing experience for your students through automation (using actions like emails, SMS messages, voicemails, celebration. badges, tags & more!)

The Experience Engine uses “triggers” to start and stop your automations, and your plan level dictates which triggers you have access to.

  • First Login: detects the student’s very first login, allowing you to automate events to make the moment special for them
  • No Login: detects when the student hasn’t logged in for an amount of time you choose. Allows you to reach out before they abandon your course
  • Last Login: when the student logs in, you can see if it’s been a while since they visited and create a memorable “welcome back” moment for them, using celebrations, email and/or SMS & more
  • Training Started: detect the moment the student starts your 1st training. Taking action is huge, so celebrate them!
  • Trainings/Modules Released: trigger automations when content drops in your course
  • Training/Module/Course Completed: know the second a student finishes a particular training, module, or course, so you can play a celebration, message them a “congrats”, show an upsell offer, or a million other things!
  • Earned Points: wait for your student to earn a certain amount of points, and set up something fun to happen for them automatically
  • Tag Added: detect when a student gets a tag 🔖 and start an automation
  • Time Remaining: detect when a certain amount of time is left on your course countdown, and start an automation. Useful to remind students of important moments in your course, or that they only have a limited amount of time remaining to take action

The Experience Engine uses “actions” to make things happen as part of your Experience. Here's a list of all of the available actions we currently have available:

  • Email: send automated email as part of your Experience
  • SMS Message: popping a message onto your student's phone at the right time can work wonders!
  • Voicemail: drop a personal (pre-recorded) voicemail onto a student’s phone when they take specific actions in your course
  • FB Group Post: create completely automated posts on your Facebook group for any occasion or reason
  • Update Custom Field: update any custom field for a student with a new value, date, or even calculated dates.
  • Webhook: make a call outward to any 3rd party cloud-based service (Zapier, Make, etc)
  • Add a Tag: adds a tag 🔖 to the student account (which can start another Experience)
  • Remove a Tag: remove a tag 🔖 from the student account
  • Add a Badge: adds a visible badge to the student's account to increase social proof for them while increasing desire among others
  • Remove a Badge: remove a badge from the student account (if they level up, for example)
  • Unlock a Module: useful to unlock content based on some action student take inside your course
  • Add to Another Course: add students to another course inside your XP account. Useful to give surprise bonuses, gifts or upgrades
  • Remove from Course: removes the student from the current course. Useful to automatically remove access for any reason (eg: non payment, “use it or lose it” courses)
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Selling Tools

  • Processor: We integrate with Stripe natively, have Paypal coming soon and can integrate with ANY 3rd party shopping cart or platform through our Zapier integration
  • Fees: ZERO transaction fees on transactions (unlike other platforms)
  • Purchase Types: Single pay, installment plans & subscriptions
  • Discount Coupons: Unlimited custom coupon codes with option for automatical expiry
  • Bundles: Package any other extra or bonus content or courses into a purchase
  • Manual & bulk enroll students
  • Memberships: Open ended subscription memberships with multiple levels of content and access
Get Started FREE

Video Tools

  • Hosting with us: We host your videos on our fast network, and make sure they stream FAST
  • Embedding elsewhere: We support embedding from the following platforms: Youtube, Vimeo, GDrive, Searchie, Groove, Sprout
  • Auto Transcription: Host videos with us & we’ll auto-transcribe your videos, and create closed captions
  • Closed Captions: Display automatic closed captions on videos if we’ve transcribed it for you
  • In-Video Text Search: Allow students to search within transcribed video text
  • Resume Playback (SOON): Cross-device resume playback functionality (start watching on laptop, resume on iPad)
Get Started FREE


Manage your students through our full-featured CRM module.

  • Administration: Manage students, update personal details, see course activity, retrieve "magic login" links, remove & suspend from course
  • Import Students: Add students manually, in bulk via CSV file, using our API or with Zapier
  • Export Student Data in CSV format
  • Email Broadcast: Send an email to all your students
  • Custom Fields: Unlimited custom fields to store extra info for each student and even output into your course pages! ("Hello {Firstname}, Welcome to the course!")
  • Tagging: Unlimited tagging & segmenting 🔖 of students
  • Badges: Add & remove badges from individual students (or bulk) students
  • Webhook: Post any student or bulk student selection to a webhook
Get Started FREE

Content Drip

  • Immediate Release - All course content is immediately available
  • Future Date Release - Specify a specific date & time to release content
  • Evergreen/Drip - Release content relative to when student joins
  • Drip on Day - Drip evergreen content on specific days of the week
  • "Binge" Mode: Unlock trainings automatically as students complete the prior
  • Release Content After Points Earned: Automatically release locked training content once a certain amount of XPs or XXPs have been earned by a student
Get Started FREE


  • Commenting Widgets - Add comments to ANY page within your course (eg: under training content, custom pages, or anywhere else)
  • Forum - Add a full-featured forum to your education business
  • 👋 Warm Welcome: A safe way to allow students to welcome each other into your course that makes new students feel at home, and immediately part of something bigger
  • Watch Parties (COMING SOON): Allow students to consume and react to training content together 🍿 via live chat
  • Direct Messaging (COMING SOON): Allow students to DM each other
  • Popup Chat 💬 Rooms (COMING SOON): Most courses make students feel alone. What if they could see who else was online and pop up temporary chat rooms with them?
Get Started FREE

Page Builder

  • Page Builder - Create and build your very own beautiful course pages with little effort (learn more here)
  • Basic Blocks - A selection of our most useful page building blocks, so pages look exactly as you wish
  • Tokens - Customize your student’s course pages with their personalized information using "tokens"
  • Smart Blocks:️ Control block visibility by date and with tags
  • Custom Pages:️ Build any page you wish inside your Xperiencify account - sales pages, opt-inpages, funnel pages
Get Started FREE


Build Your Course Free.Only Pay When You Go Live.


Growth plan 🚀

For growing course creators

Pro plan 💪🏽

Established course creators

Platinum plan 🪐

For education empires


Need More?


per month


per month


per month
Unlimited Courses
Published Courses
Unlimited Students
Active Monthly Students
Admin users

Core Features

Our best stuff


Points, badges, sounds, celebrations


Forum, chat & DMs

Quizzes & Assessments


Coming soon

Completion Certificates


Mobile App


Selling Tools

To help you make more money

In-built Order Forms

Stripe (credit card) & Paypal (coming soon)

Transaction Fees

Always zero, unlike the others


Upsells & Order Bumps

Coming soon!

Bundled Courses & Content

Affiliate Management

Learning & Support

Resoureces to help you get started quickly

Email Support

Private Community

Live Group Coaching

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Priority Support

Free Migration

When purchasing annual plan


If you know, you know ;-)


Custom Fields


Video Transcription



Theme Customization (CSS)

Custom Domain


Resell Xperiencify Accounts