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Xperiencify VS Skool (A Detailed Comparison for Course Creators in 2024)

In the changing world of online education, choosing the right platform can make or break a course creator's success, and in this article we'll compare two platforms that people are talking about right now – Xperiencify and Skool.

While both offer unique features and approaches to online learning, they approach online learning from radically different perspectives, while catering to different needs and priorities within the e-learning ecosystem.

Our goal is to provide you with an in-depth analysis of both platforms, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and ideal use cases.

We'll go beyond marketing buzzwords to offer insights that can guide you in making an informed decision for your online education business.

High Level Overview of Both Platforms


Xperiencify is a cutting-edge online course platform designed with a primary focus on maximizing learner engagement through innovative gamification techniques.

Founded on psychological principles that drive motivation and completion, Xperiencify aims to revolutionize the online learning experience for both creators and students.

🔑 Key Highlights:

  • Emphasis on structured content delivery
  • Advanced gamification features
  • Focus on increasing course completion rates
  • Tools for effective course monetization

Watch the 60-second explainer video from their website


Skool, founded in 2019 by Sam Ovens and later invested in by business influencer Alex Hormozi, is primarily an online community platform with some course creation capabilities.

It has gained popularity for its community-driven approach to learning and monetization.

🔑 Key Highlights:

  • Strong focus on community building
  • Basic course creation features
  • Basic gamification elements for community engagement
  • Emphasis on monetizing existing followings

High-Level Comparison

At a high level, Xperiencify and Skool represent two different philosophies in the online learning space:

🔍 Core Focus:

  • Xperiencify prioritizes learner engagement and course completion through structured content delivery and advanced gamification.
  • Skool emphasizes community building and social learning experiences.

🎯 Target Users:

  • Xperiencify caters to course creators focused on delivering high-quality, engaging educational content and achieving high completion rates.
  • Skool targets creators with existing followings who want to monetize their communities through a mix of social interaction and basic course offerings.

💪 Platform Strengths:

  • Xperiencify excels in course design, learner motivation through gamification, and content delivery.
  • Skool shines in fostering community interactions and leveraging social proof for sales.

💰 Business Model

  • Xperiencify focuses on helping creators build sustainable, content-driven online education businesses.
  • Skool's model leans more towards monetizing community access and interactions.

Detailed Feature Comparison

👨‍💻 Course Creation & Management


  • Offers a versatile and intuitive course builder
  • Supports various content types for comprehensive learning experiences
  • Provides structured content delivery options for optimal learning outcomes
  • Allows for customizable and scalable course designs
  • Emphasizes creating courses that drive engagement and completion


  • Limited course creation options under the "Classroom" feature
  • Basic content upload capabilities (no native hosting)
  • Lacks advanced lesson types or diverse pricing options
  • Primarily focused on delivering content within a community context
  • Limited options for course structure and progression

🧕🧓🧛‍♀️🧛👯👩‍🌾 Community Building


  • While not primarily a community platform, it offers community tools that foster student interaction
  • Focuses on building a community of learners around course content
  • Encourages peer-to-peer learning through engagement features


  • Strong emphasis on community-building features
  • Offers tools for posts, likes, comments, and chats
  • Includes email broadcast features for mass communication
  • Designed to monetize community access and interactions
  • Relies heavily on existing followings for community growth

🏆 🎲🕹️ Gamification


  • Implements advanced gamification based on psychological principles
  • Features include experience points, badges, and leaderboards
  • Gamification is deeply integrated into the learning experience
  • Designed to boost motivation, engagement, and course completion rates
  • Offers a unique, game-like learning journey for students


  • Offers basic gamification elements – leaderboards, level hierarchies, and points systems
  • Gamification is more focused on community engagement than on learning outcomes
  • Limited integration of gamification with course content

💥 User Experience & Design


  • Modern, intuitive design that enhances the learning experience
  • Clean, attractive and highly customizable interface that keeps learners focused on content
  • Designed with user engagement and retention in mind
  • Regularly updated to meet evolving user expectations and industry standards


  • Design has been criticized as outdated and potentially unappealing
  • User interface may be less intuitive, especially for younger audiences
  • Some users report navigation and usability challenges
  • Limited customization options for branding and design

📱 Mobile App Functionality


  • Offers a mobile-responsive platform for seamless cross-device experience
  • Focuses on delivering a consistent, high-quality learning experience on all devices
  • Mobile functionality integrated into the core platform design
Xperiencify's native app for iPhone & Android


  • Provides iOS and Android apps for on-the-go access
  • Apps are not white-labeled, limiting branding opportunities
  • Some users report technical issues and crashes with the mobile apps
  • Mobile experience may not be as robust as the desktop version
Skool's app

📣 Sales & Marketing Tools


  • Provides comprehensive tools for effective course monetization
  • Helps creators build their audience organically through high-quality content
  • Offers features to increase student satisfaction and drive repeat sales
  • Focuses on creating a superior learning experience as a marketing tool
  • Likely includes basic email marketing and sales funnel capabilities (specific details not provided)


  • Limited built-in marketing features
  • Lacks advanced email marketing tools
  • No built-in funnel building or sophisticated sales tools
  • Relies heavily on community engagement for marketing and sales
  • May require integration with external tools for comprehensive marketing

⚙️ Automations


Xperiencify offers its "Experience Engine" - your unpaid employee working tirelessly behind the scenes 24/7, looking for ways to create an amazing experience for your students through automation (using actions like emails, SMS messages, voicemails, celebration, badges, tags & more!)

Automations can be triggered by "events" such as:

  • Student added to a course
  • Student logged into course for 1st time
  • No login for more than X days/weeks
  • Login after an absence of X days/weeks
  • Specific training available
  • Specific training started by student
  • Specific training completed
  • Specific module available
  • Specific module started by student
  • Specific module completed
  • Student earned X points (or more)
  • X time remaining in course
  • A custom tag added to a student
  • Course completed

And your automations can contain actions such as:

Actions currently available inside the Experience Engine (automations)

This tool allows you to set up highly customized automations that create magical experiencies for your students.


Skool offers basic welcome emails & community notifications.

💵 Pricing & Value Proposition


  • Offers flexible pricing options suitable for various business sizes
  • Focuses on providing value through increased student engagement and completion rates
  • Pricing structure designed to scale with the growth of the course creator's business
  • Maximizes ROI through higher student satisfaction and potential for repeat sales


  • Single group pricing plan at $99/month per each group
  • Additional groups incur multiple charges (e.g., 5 groups cost $495/month)
  • Value proposition centered around community monetization
  • Some users question the ROI, especially for creators without large existing followings

🆘 Customer Support & Resources


  • Live chat and email support with real people, as well as AI-based chat support agents
  • Extensive onboarding support provided
  • Free weekly open office hours live Zoom calls


  • Provides email support and community-based assistance
  • Lacks comprehensive documentation
  • Some users report challenges for less tech-savvy creators
  • Limited training resources available

📶 Strengths & Weaknesses Analysis


Xperiencify Strengths 💪

  • Strong focus on learner engagement and course completion
  • Advanced gamification features based on psychological principles
  • Modern, user-friendly design enhancing the learning experience
  • Structured content delivery for better learning outcomes
  • Effective monetization tools for course creators
  • Versatility and scalability for various course types and sizes
  • Emphasis on building sustainable, content-driven businesses

Xperiencify Weaknesses 👎

  • Steeper learning curve due to the availability of advanced features
  • Less emphasis on community-building compared to Skool


Skool Strengths 💪

  • Stronger community-building features
  • Basic gamification elements to encourage user participation
  • Mobile apps for on-the-go access
  • Potentially easier to use for basic community management

Skool Weaknesses 👎

  • Limited course creation and customization options
  • Outdated design and user experience issues
  • Over-reliance on existing followings for success
  • Higher cost with questionable ROI for some creators
  • Low user engagement compared to major social platforms
  • Lack of advanced marketing and sales features
  • Concerns about the long-term viability of the paid community business model

🙎‍♀️ Use Cases & Ideal Users

Xperiencify Ideal Users

  • Course creators focused on delivering high-quality, engaging educational content
  • Educators aiming for high course completion rates
  • Businesses looking to provide structured, effective training programs
  • Creators who prioritize student success and satisfaction
  • Those building a long-term, sustainable online education business

Skool Ideal Users

  • Influencers or creators with large existing followings
  • Community leaders looking to monetize their audience
  • Those prioritizing community interaction over structured learning
  • Creators comfortable with basic course creation tools
  • Users who value social proof and peer-to-peer learning

💲 ROI & Long-Term Success Considerations

When evaluating the return on investment (ROI) and long-term success potential of each platform, several factors come into play:


  • Focuses on creating high-value courses that can command premium pricing
  • Emphasizes student success, leading to positive reviews and word-of-mouth marketing
  • Designed to increase course completion rates, potentially leading to more satisfied customers and repeat business
  • Offers scalability, allowing creators to grow their business over time
  • Provides tools to build a sustainable, content-driven business model


  • ROI heavily dependent on the size and engagement level of the creator's existing following
  • Community-driven model may lead to initial quick gains but could face challenges in long-term value delivery
  • Limited course creation tools may hinder the ability to create and sell high-value educational content
  • Concerns about the platform's long-term viability and potential market saturation
  • May require significant time investment in community management for success

🔥 Conclusion

In the evolving landscape of online education, both Xperiencify and Skool offer unique approaches to course creation and delivery. However, they cater to different needs and priorities within the e-learning ecosystem.


  • Stands out as a robust, forward-thinking platform designed for course creators who are serious about delivering high-quality educational experiences.
  • Its focus on learner engagement, advanced gamification, and structured content delivery positions it as an excellent choice for those looking to build a sustainable, content-driven online education business.
  • While it may require a more significant investment in terms of time and potentially cost, the potential for long-term success and student satisfaction appears higher.

Skool, on the other hand...

  • Offers a community-first approach that may appeal to creators with existing large followings or those prioritizing social interaction in their learning model.
  • However, its limitations in course creation tools, concerns about long-term viability, and potential over-reliance on existing audiences make it a less versatile choice for many course creators.

Ultimately, the choice between Xperiencify and Skool should be guided by your specific goals, target audience, and long-term vision for your online education business.

If you're committed to creating engaging, high-quality courses with strong completion rates and building a sustainable education business, Xperiencify appears to be the superior choice.

Its focus on student success, engagement, and effective monetization aligns well with the needs of serious course creators looking to make a lasting impact in the online education space.

Remember, the most successful online educators are those who prioritize delivering real value to their students.

Choose the platform that best enables you to create, deliver, and monetize high-quality educational experiences that truly benefit your learners.

Murray loves building software platforms that make life easier for marketers and entrepreneurs. It's all he does. He's built many tools over the years and helped thousands of people start and grow their business, which is his driving motivation.

His latest project is Xperiencify -- a new LMS / online course platform that fixes the "dirty secret" of the online course industry (which is that 3% of people get results from the course they buy.) They do it with a powerful combination of psychology 🧠, gamification 🕹️ and Silicon Valley "black magic". 🥷