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Monster List of Gamification Software for 2024 (40+ Platforms!)

Kirsty Wilson 16 min read

You may not know it, but gamification software is already a part of our everyday lives.

Organizations harness the power of game mechanics to inspire productivity in the workplace.

Brands use it to seduce customers and earn loyalty.

For many people, games evoke memories of the joyful abandon of childhood. And others crave that blissful rush of endorphins.

Gamification software supplies businesses with the tools they need to command user engagement.

So, if you’re not using gamification, you’re behind the eight-ball.

We’ll show you the magic of gamification software and how you can drive your business forward.

Let’s roll.

What Is Gamification Software?

Gamification software is a platform that infuses game mechanics with non-gaming contexts. These mechanics reward user engagement with badges, points, prizes, and more.

But, gamification isn’t about playing games like Candy Crush or Call of Duty.

Instead, reward-based simulated games can help you achieve your business objectives.

And by doing so, you’ll offer a more immersive user experience, helping users feel that much-needed sense of accomplishment.

Not to mention, it’s fun.

What is an example of gamification?

This brand uses gamification on its landing page to entice customers to buy products by spinning a wheel for a discount or a freebie.

gamfication software - spinning wheel gamification example

Quite simply, the point of gamification is to delight and motivate users to engage with your content.

Why Gamify Elements?

Businesses use gamification techniques and elements to promote digital engagement.


Through three little words.

Brain. Dopamine. Motivation.

When we play games, our brains release dopamine, and that satisfying feeling imbues us with an insatiable hunger for more rewards.

gamificaiton software - how gamification works infographic

What happens when you apply epic gamified elements to learning applications? You trigger the basic human desire for recognition and achievement.

And that acknowledgment comes in the form of points, rewards, challenges, and new levels. Or players seeing their name at the top of a leaderboard.

So, what is gamification technology, and how is it used?

Features of Gamification Software

Not all gamification software is created equal. Before selecting your software, make sure its features support your business objectives.

What tools are used for gamification? Let’s look at the most popular:

Points, Badges, and Rewards

These gamification tools provide that delicious dopamine drip of positive feedback. Players can collect points and convert them to badges, symbolizing their triumph. If they earn enough points and badges, they may be eligible for sweet bonuses, discounts, or free items.


When users reach a new level, it invokes camaraderie with other users on the same level. Those on lower levels look to those higher up as authorities within your brand—such as influencers and ambassadors.


Let’s say a company’s focus is driving more sales. Gamification software can foster friendly competition by publishing a revenue leaderboard. The goal of rising through the ranks serves as a powerful motivator to succeed.

Progress Maps and Bars

Progress maps and bars visualize a user’s progress towards sales goals or learning objectives. These tools can nudge users to play faster, intensify competitiveness, and enhance collaboration.

Social News Feeds

Social news feeds often feature instant messaging, company status updates, and awards announcements. As a result, they can improve communication, ignite competition, and provide a real-time view of performance—all within one app.


Companies can use built-in reporting tools to learn more about their employees and customers. These critical insights into the ROI also help managers improve sales outcomes and resolve team challenges.

So, let’s unpack the benefits of gamification software.

Benefits of Gamification Software

We’re living in a digital-first world, where brands need to stand out from the crowd and give customers a compelling reason to engage.

And, employers aspire to amplify motivation, engagement, and participation within the virtual training experience.

Using gamification software, you’ll cultivate an organized and productive workplace.

And, like siblings trying to outdo each other, you’ll engender a fierce—but friendly—competition-charged environment.

Gamification is the crossroad of motivation and your business outcomes. Overlap the two, and you’ve hit the sweet spot.

In fact, workplaces that implement gamification strategies see incredible results. For example, 89% of employees feel more productive, and 88% feel happier in their jobs.

Gamification helps individuals feel a sense of:


When employees engage in self-paced gamified online training, they hold the power of their own success.


Employees learn new concepts and skills to complete their jobs as they pass through training modules. Earning badges for finished courses affirm their sense of mastery.


Many employees need a reason to undertake training. Fortunately, gamification software coaxes learners with a bit of extrinsic motivation, such as badges, certificates, recognition, or physical and monetary rewards.

Now we’ve reached the juicy part. Read on to learn how to master gamification software and dominate your business objectives.

If you’re starting to stress and asking yourself, “oh, man, how do you gamify a platform?”

You needn’t worry. Especially if you have zero technical experience. Simply install gamification software, and it’ll do the heavy lifting for you!

Let’s dive into our list of the best gamification software on the market.

1. Agile CRM

gamfication software - Agile CRM screenshot

Best for: Sales Performance

Agile empowers your salesforce to focus on their goals to improve overall sales metrics.

Also useful for customer engagement, this CRM will monitor your customers’ social presence, web activity, and interactions through a neatly arranged timeline.

Expanded gamification capabilities include customizable leaderboards, real-time alerts, reporting, and KPI tracking.

2. Ambition

Best for: Sales Performance

Ambition is award-winning, enterprise-grade sales gamification software.

Live performance data assists leaders in taking decisive action. And team coaching programs provide a 360-degree view of every sales rep.

With Ambition, you’ll foster a culture of healthy competition within the sales team and drive long-term behavior change.

Ambition’s gamified elements may evoke a little trash-talking around the office. But you’ll soon notice a massive lift in energy and engagement within your team.

3. Antavo

gamification software - Antavo screenshot

Best for: Customer Loyalty

Antavo is a loyalty program and contest gamification solution to enchant customers, build brand loyalty and improve KPIs.

Visitors can earn exciting rewards, points, levels, and viral sweepstakes. They can play via web, mobile, and social channels.

The platform collects customer data based on social engagement, product preferences, and demographics. Then, you can generate timely, hyper-targeted email marketing campaigns.

Brands using Antavo experience an average increase of 52% in customer retention and a 48% rise in average order value.

4. Archy Learning

Best for: Microlearning

Archy Learning is gamification software for education, offering worldwide access.

This all-in-one gamification training software and eLearning platform features an intuitive user interface. Add YouTube links, PDFs, classroom notes, and other digital resources.

You can even design custom quizzes, mixed-media exams, interactive video modules, and personalized games.

Reporting tools provide insights into each learner’s progress and assessment results.

5. Battlejungle

gamification software - Battlejungle screenshot

Best for: Employee Motivation

Battlejungle levels-up employee motivation through exciting, gamified activities.

Boost team spirit with in-house gaming events, social activities, and sports tournaments. Praise winning attitudes with collectibles, trophies, and rewards.

Review, analyze and track employee engagement anywhere, anytime.

6. BigTinCan

Best for: Remote Sales Training

Bigtincan is a next-gen sales enablement gamification app helping businesses hit sales training out of the park.

Bringing training to life, on-the-go teams can follow instructor-led and on-demand microlearning courses.

Easily design new training materials and deliver learning modules at scale. Keep teams’ eyes on the prize with leaderboards and instant feedback.

7. Bunchball Nitro

Best for: Enterprise-wide gamification

Bunchball Nitro is a powerful gamification engine inspiring action through goals, rewards, and recognition.

Bunchball Nitro is packed with high-value activities. Vanquish discord and disengagement with company-wide customized solutions.

So you can drive performance, celebrate achievements, and keep employees on task.

8. Centrical

gamification software - Cntrical screenshot

Best for: Employee Motivation and Training

Centrical focuses on advanced gamification, personalized microlearning, and employee performance management.

Through actual gameplay, Centrical’s host of wicked gamification features makes day-to-day tasks fun. Employees can swap points for free coffee or gift cards at the rewards marketplace.

Managers can track relevant KPIs in real-time to bolster teams to achieve their performance metrics. Follow your employees’ successes and identify areas for improvement through customizable leaderboards,

9. Edgagement

Best for: Product Training

Edgagement is a customizable, cloud-based eLearning gamification platform designed for educational advancement and professional development.

Employed by leading brand Revlon, Edgagement offers a unique approach to B2B learning.

The platform combines today’s digital marketing techniques with time-tested educational best practices. Training is delivered through documentation, webinars, online, and in-person sessions.

Other features include collaboration, onboarding, and educational tools. Sales reps and managers can also set and track goals and view performance metrics.

10. EngageBay

gamification software - EngageBay screenshot

Best for: Marketing, Sales & Service Automation

EngageBay is an integrated, comprehensive solution for your sales, marketing, and support teams.

Save time like titans Neil Patel and Forbes by automating routine and manual tasks using the free CRM software. High-end tools include marketing automation, social media engagement, helpdesk, and lead generation.

Through EngageBay, brands will thrive in acquiring, engaging, nurturing, and servicing their customers.

11. Engagedly

Best for: Employee Motivation

Engagedly is an award-winning, mobile-enabled, people-enablement platform for the digital generation.

B2B marketing agency, The Starr Conspiracy, recently ranked Engagedly as #2 on the list of top 10 Velocity Brands.

Organizations can align and motivate their teams through communication and collaboration. For example, a rewards tool attributes points to give kudos to employees who meet their goals.

The platform also offers on-boarding, eLearning, analytics, and workforce planning solutions.

12. Evoq Engage

gamification software - Evoq Engage screenshot

Best for: Customer Advocacy

Evoq Engage is a community engagement and knowledge management software solution.

Evoq turns customers into powerful sales tools through advocacy. For example, customers share their success and satisfaction on discussion forums. And, in return, they’ll receive incentives, reputation points, badges, and real-time rewards.

Also, an inbuilt intranet connects workers with the people and information they need to do their jobs. With Evoq, you’ll create a culture that attracts and retains top talent.

13. Funifier Studio

Best for: Customer Retention for SMEs

Funifier Studio is a secure, versatile, and easily accessible gamification platform.

Integrate pre-built gamification elements into applications, websites, and social networks. Work visitors into a frenzy through customized incentives. Add profiles, challenges, badges, points, leaderboards, news feeds, and more.

Set KPIs, view real-time user behavior stats, and tweak your gamification strategy from the dashboard.

14. Gametize

gamification software - Gametize screenshot

Best for: Customer Engagement

Gametize is a community engagement platform employed by companies like Samsung and Shell.

The platform provides exciting digital experiences to achieve mind-blowing engagement using game psychology.

Through Gametize, companies can create intriguing, interactive games. Such as photo contests, quizzes, surveys, and QR code challenges.

Create applications on social media platforms, the web, and mobile devices. Gain an in-depth audience understanding from the analytics platform to build user engagement.

15. GamiLab

Best for: E-Learning

GamiLab is a fully-featured gamified platform for creating easy, fun, and educational games.

Blaze a trail with your own kick-butt quizzes or games. Or choose from an extensive bank of curriculum-based learning games. Explore over 40 interactive content types and 30,000 questions, add your own training materials or import Quizlet sets.

Gamified elements include custom avatars, high scores, 3D time-based games, and badges. Receive feedback on player performance to keep track of scores and progress.

16. Gizmo

gamification software - Gizmo screenshot

Best for: Customer Loyalty

Gizmo by Gamify is user-friendly gamification software for customer engagement utilized by KFC, Wendy’s, and Dell.

Persuade audiences to become enchanted with your brand. Unleash immersive, addictive, and rewarding advergame campaigns.

Launch and manage multiple games within minutes and build Mailchimp audiences. In addition, you can test and fine-tune marketing campaigns in real-time.

17. HollaEx

gamification software - HollaEx screenshot

Best for: User Experience

HollaEx gamifies crypto exchange by incorporating game-like elements such as rewards, achievements, and leaderboards.

Using open-source crypto exchange software incentivizes users to engage with the platform and create a more enjoyable user experience.

Offering users a fun and interactive experience can attract and retain more customers, help educate users on complex trading concepts and encourage responsible trading behavior.

18. Hoopla

Best for: Social Motivation

Hoopla is an automated software solution for sales, marketing, and customer service teams.

Hoopla encompasses an environment of healthy competition and positive recognition. First, create contests, competitions, and leaderboards. Then broadcast live performance updates to TV, web, and mobile screens company-wide.

You’ll soon be engaging the entire company in an exciting, play-to-win culture.

19. Hurrah! Leaderboard

gamification software - Hurrah! Leaderboard screenshot

Best for: Employee Engagement

Hurrah! Leaderboards is a performance broadcasting software gamification tool for teams of all kinds.

Bolster motivation and outcomes through appealing contests and peer-to-peer recognition. Create leaderboards, KPIs, announcements, and custom media. Then, share the data live on screens around the office.

Other features include activity tracking, goal management, performance tracking, and real-time feedback.

Spend less on recruitment and training, and hold onto your top talent with Hurrah!

20. IActionable

Best for: Employee Performance

IActionable is a gamified employee performance management system.

Set achievement expectations so your teams understand how they’re doing in real-time. Using your metrics and KPIs, this gamified platform helps your employees shine.

The result?

Not only will you see an increase in engagement, performance, and recognition, company-wide. You´ll also drive adoption, compliance, and implementation to provide your business with a measurable ROI.

21. Influitive

gamification software - Influitive screenshot

Best for: Brand Advocacy

Influitive’s gamified platform helps B2B companies inspire customers to share the love.

When customers have a positive shopping experience, they want to tell others! Brands leveraging advocates establish authenticity and trust through referrals and recommendations.

As a result, you can achieve faster growth and greater profits.

Through Influitive’s AdvocateHub, customers can complete product reviews, write social media posts, and more.

Easily integrate Influitive’s software into your existing processes and track the results.

22. Intelliverse Sales Motivator

Best for: Sales Performance

Tap into your sales department’s full potential to drive results with Intelliverse’s Sales Motivator.

Stimulate healthy competition amongst your salesforce to amplify engagement and performance.

Intelliverse analyzes historical data to provide insights and real-time analytics. This helps leaders establish smarter benchmarks that accelerate sales and grow revenue.

The software aggregates data from sales activities, displaying real-time stats on the leaderboards.

23. Judgify

gamification software - Judgify screenshot

Best for: Awards & Contest Management

Judgify is a great management tool for companies seeking dynamic event, award, or contest experiences.

Judgify users include the American Red Cross and the UN environment program. Organizers, judges, participants, and marketers can find custom solutions for their needs.

Launch contests, organize judging, public voting, and retrieve comprehensive scoring and reporting.

24. Kahoot! 360

Best for: E-Learning

Intrigue, intoxicate and inspire learners and employees with Kahoot! 360.

Download this gamification software for free in minutes. Then, begin creating games or quizzes on any topic, for any industry, and in any language.

Players receive a code to join games on any device. This makes Kahoot! value-oriented and highly accessible for remote workers.

In addition, managers can view sales performance metrics, and HR can use the software for onboarding new hires.

25. LevelEleven

gamification software - LevelEleven screenshot

Best for: Sales Performance

Unlock your team’s potential with LevelEleven.

LevelEleven drives the behaviors that lead to sales and customer retention. Light a fire under your teams through friendly competition and public recognition.

The platform features leaderboards and competitions. Alerts sound when an employee dominates the rankings or reaches a milestone.

Managers can track day-to-day sales and set goals. View personalized scorecards, KPIs in real-time, peer-to-peer comparisons, coaching opportunities, and more.

26. Mambo.IO

Best for: Employee and Customer Engagement

Mambo.IO serves up competition-based dynamics to drive customer loyalty and employee performance.

This flexible, feature-rich, open-source platform helps your salesforce develop better habits.

Reinforce positive behaviors via a tracking system. Receive instant notifications, award custom points, build leaderboards, and track activity streams.


gamification software - Mindspace screenshot

Best for: Product Training

Smash your business goals and create an experience people go crazy over with Mindspace.

Mindspace leverages gamification techniques to provide organizations with fearless and engaging learning strategies.

Used by Google, Starbucks, and FedEx, Mindspace is ideal for:

  • Employee training and onboarding,
  • Customer education and loyalty,
  • Interactive marketing and product launches,
  • Sales training and motivation, and
  • Event strategy and design.

28. MindTickle

Best for: Sales Performance

MindTickle is a data-driven solution for sales readiness and enablement.

The sales readiness platform features purpose-built applications using proven methodologies and best practices.

MindTickle encourages your salesforce to become extraordinary by fueling revenue-driving behaviors. In fact, sales reps experience an average increase of 64% in revenue in their first quarter.

Analytics track performance and address skill gaps. And managers can assess and develop knowledge, skills, and behaviors to amplify sales performance.

29. Prodoscore

gamification software - Prodoscore screenshot

Best for: Sales Performance

Prodoscore provides insights that keep leaders like Forbes and CNBC better informed and prepared.

Non-invasive technology and AI measure thousands of activity points daily across your organization.

This gives managers the tools they need for unparalleled success. Boost sales performance, replicate top employees, and recognize coaching opportunities.

30. Qstream

Best for: E-Learning

Qstream is a microlearning platform aimed at enhancing employee performance.

Ideal for compliance training, Qstream engages learners and thwarts the forgetting curve. The mobile app reinforces knowledge and analyzes learner responses via an award-winning mobile interface. Analytics present a real-time view of performance readiness.

And, sales teams can track their progress and KPIs via the app’s built-in coaching hub.

31. QuizGame

gamification software - Quizgame screenshot

Best for: Corporate Training

Quizgame is award-winning gamification employee engagement software.

Quizgame helps companies like Ford and Vodaphone find solutions to engagement problems. And, through competition and excitement, the platform helps reinforce product knowledge.

Enjoy flexible corporate training via a mobile device and excellent internal data analytics software.

32. SalesScreen

Best for: Sales Performance

SalesScreen supports businesses in building the sales atmosphere of their dreams.

The platform connects to your CRM to analyze your pipeline for leads and help revenue leaders achieve their goals.

Inspire teams with leaderboards, competitions, badges, ranks, and celebrations. Using SalesScreen, you’ll empower your employees to live and breathe their sales ambition.

33. SAP Sales Cloud

gamification software - SAP Sales Cloue screenshot

Best for: Customer Engagement

SAP Sales Cloud is an engagement tool fostering brand-customer engagement in real-time.

Sales reps will feel empowered as trusted advisors through advocacy and customer-centric engagements. In addition, tailored AI recommendations offer actionable insights to level-up sales effectiveness.

Drive success through connected mobile marketing capabilities, online and offline.

34. SmartWinnr

Best for: Sales Performance

SmartWinnr is a sales productivity platform ideal for large, remote sales teams.

Make winning a team habit through sales contests, training, and video coaching.

This enterprise-grade security platform keeps your sales teams up-to-date and supercharging sales performance.

In addition, the mobile-first design allows access to product information and uniform customer messaging.

Create KPI scorecards, challenges, virtual contests, and hand out points for training. Managers can track team scores and leaderboard positions at all times.

35. Social & Loyal

gamification software - Social & Loyal screenshot

Best for: Customer Loyalty

Social & Loyal is an all-in-one loyalty and engagement platform.

To succeed in digital communication, brands need a profound understanding of their audience. To do this, Social & Loyal helps companies create brand advocates through promotions, prizes, surveys, and more.

The CRM is embedded in Facebook and collects vital customer data and actionable insights.

36. Spinify

Best for: Employee Motivation

Power up your team’s performance and celebrate their wins with Spinify.

Spinify will help your business build winning teams that crush every goal. Using gamified elements, reward employees for completing tasks to make them feel appreciated.

The platform integrates seamlessly with existing platforms. Managers can track essential metrics in real-time on any device. Spinify will highlight productivity gaps, stellar performances, birthdays, and game scores.

37. SuMo Motivate

Best for: Sales Performance

SuMo Motivate uses behavioral science to spur teams on and follow sales best practices.

Salesforce gamification aligns reps with business goals to send sales performance into hyper-drive.

Forecasting tools help develop tactics for replicating the winning behaviors of top performers. Also, coaching tools are available to maximize sales potential.

38. TalentCards

gamification software - TalentCards screenshot

Best for: Remote Team Training

TalentCards is a mobile learning app for frontline workers.

Train your teams through rapid eLearning modules, no matter where their work takes them.

TalentCards transcends traditional, ineffective yawn-worthy training methods. Instead, trainers can build powerful, high-impact microlearning courses within minutes. And deliver them straight to your team’s smartphones.

In just 5 minutes a day, your teams can learn and reinforce essential training topics. As a result, you’ll soon notice enhanced engagement, higher completion rates, and lower average training costs.

39. Tango Card

Best for: Consumer and Employee Engagement

Tango Card offers users more than points, badges, and rewards. Instead, drive incredible results with awesome e-gift cards, prepaid cards, and donations.

Gift cards will manifest a lasting impression for your brand. Recipients will be eager to share their win, and they’ll never forget who gave it to them.

Tango Card incentivizes:

  • Employee engagement
  • Wellness participation
  • Research participation
  • Customer acquisition and loyalty
  • Customer advocacy

40. TIQ

gamification software - TIQ screenshot

Best for: Onboarding

TIQ is an interactive training platform ideal for new employee training.

Transform cringeworthy training PPTs and PDFs into alluring games, quizzes, and puzzles.

Learners receive access to personalized, easy-to-use dashboards. They can earn and review scores, badges, and points as they go.

And, managers stay up-to-date on their progress to help them reach their next objective.

TIQ will also blend your brand guidelines to create a cohesive yet bespoke training program for your business.

41. Xperiencify

Xperiencify is a revolutionary gamification platform that uses seven psychological triggers, such as urgency, FOMO, and social proof, that drive engagement rates through the roof.

Instructors can use gamification elements such as points, countdowns, and leaderboards to motivate students to reach course completion goals.

When used correctly, course creators can expect completion rates 10-30 times higher than the competition.

42. Zurmo

Best for: Sales Performance for Small Businesses

One of the best gamification platform open source projects is Zurmo.

Set custom goals so sales reps can visualize and manage projects and receive instant rewards for hitting sales targets. Congratulate them with badges, points, levels, collection items, coins, and more.

You can also manage customer relationships, track sales progress, and refine digital marketing campaigns.

That’s our monster list of the top 40 gamification software platforms! So, what’s next?

Choose the Best Gamification Software for Your Needs

Thriving businesses have been using gamification to boost revenue and engagement for years.

Because it works.

Now it’s your time to bolster a healthy and fun work, shopping, and game-based learning environment.

By employing gamification software, you’ll keep users accountable and motivated. And you can easily measure the performance of your gamification initiatives.

Are you ready for life-changing growth opportunities through gamification?

Kirsty Wilson is a Smart Blogger-certified content marketer and self-taught margarita aficionado. With a passion for Digital Marketing and a knack for crafting captivating Landing Page Copy, she sprinkles her Aussie charm and cheeky humour across lifestyle, travel, and marketing blogs. Currently adventuring through Mexico, she documents her solo travels to inspire fellow Gen-X gals to #SeizeTheDay!