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Social Media Video Marketing Strategy for 2024 (+ Benefits!)

Jennifer Ayling 11 min read

In the ever-changing world of digital marketing, social media video marketing has emerged as a powerful way to connect with your audience.

The rise of video consumption and the popularity of social media platforms has made video marketing an indispensable part of any successful marketing strategy.

Surely, you've seen a viral video or twelve, yeah?

So, let's delve into the benefits and strategies of video content marketing to help you stay ahead of the curve and achieve your social media strategy goals.

What Is Social Media Video Marketing?

Social media video marketing is a digital marketing strategy to create and share video content on social media channels to promote a brand, product, or service.

It’s a powerful way to engage with your audience and build brand awareness.

Social video marketing can take many forms, including product demos, how-to videos, behind-the-scenes footage, customer testimonials, and more.

The popularity of video production has skyrocketed in recent years. People are likelier to watch a short video than read an article or post.

Additionally, social media platforms have made creating and sharing video content easier than ever by adding built-in editing tools and features.

Using creative storytelling techniques, you can connect with your audience emotionally and build trust and customer loyalty.

Moreover, social media marketing provides valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviors through metrics such as video views, likes, comments, and shares.

Why You Should Try Social Media Video Marketing

Video marketing is a powerful way to connect with your audience, build brand awareness, and achieve your social media marketing goals.

1. Capture the attention of your target audience.

Social media videos can effectively capture the attention of your followers.

Video content is a great way to inform and entertain your followers, allowing you to showcase your products or services.

One of the key benefits of video content is its ability to tell a story.

The emotional connection created by stories makes video marketing highly effective.

“Short form video is the new wave of storytelling” Marketing Mag

Variety in your content helps hold the viewer’s attention. And social video marketing can take many forms.

Mix it up and provide value to your target audience in different ways to keep them engaged and interested in what you offer.

2. Build brand trust and authority.

Consumers value transparency and authenticity more than ever in today's digital age.

And video content is an effective way for you to build trust and authority with your target audience.

social media video marketing - homer simpson GIF

Social media platforms have made it easier for consumers to research brands before purchasing.

Using video content to showcase your products or services, you can establish a deeper connection with your audience and build trust over time.

You can also connect with your audience on a personal level. By showcasing the people behind the brand, viewers feel like they get to know more about your business and what you represent.

Seeing someone's face and hearing their stories can make you more relatable, leading to increased brand loyalty and repeat business.

3. Appeal to mobile users.

Social media video marketing is an effective way to appeal to mobile users.

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, people are constantly on the go and looking for ways to consume content quickly and easily.

Video mobile marketing solves this problem by allowing users to watch videos on their mobile devices whenever they want, wherever they are.

Mobile users can watch videos while commuting, waiting in line, or even during a workout at the gym.

This convenience factor makes mobile marketing appealing to businesses looking to reach busy people.

Moreover, watching a video can be easier than reading text.

Mobile users may find it difficult to read lengthy articles or posts on their small screens, but watching a short video can be more engaging and memorable.

4. Increase engagement on social media.

Social video is an effective way to increase engagement on social media platforms because algorithms favor videos.

social media video advertsing - multiple people looking at their smartphones

Social media users enjoy the added flair you can give video content.

Videos with special effects and fun filters get more social media engagement from viewers.

When people watch a video they find interesting or valuable, they’re more likely to share it with their friends and followers on social media.

And social media platforms make it easy for users to engage with video content.

With features such as autoplay and prominently displayed share buttons, videos can quickly go viral and reach a wider audience.

The increased visibility can lead to more likes, comments, and shares, increasing engagement on your video content.

The more digital engagement your video gets, the more likely the algorithm will show your video to new people.

Best Types of Videos for Social Media

Regarding social video marketing, businesses can produce various types of videos that each serve a different purpose.

By understanding the different types of videos available, you can choose the ones that best suit your marketing strategy to connect with your audience.

1. About us

"About Us" videos introduce your business to its audience.

These videos are an excellent way to showcase your brand's personality and values and provide a behind-the-scenes look at its operations.

One of the key features of "About Us" videos is they introduce individual employees or team members.

By putting faces to names, you make yourself more relatable and build a connection.

"About Us" videos can also highlight the company's mission and values by explaining what your business stands for and what you hope to achieve.

These videos can help watchers understand why your brand is special and what differentiates it from competitors.

Enhancing the professionalism and engagement of "About Us" videos can be achieved by using an intro maker to create captivating and memorable introductions that leave a lasting impression on the audience.

2. Product

Product videos are a type of social media video that show your business's products in detail.

These videos take a deep dive into each product, answering FAQs and explaining how it's used and how it can improve the user's life.

One of the benefits of product videos is to showcase your digital products in action.

Product videos are also an excellent place to add user-generated content to your video rotation.

User-generated content can show potential buyers how others use and enjoy your product.

This social proof can be a powerful motivator for people on the fence about purchasing.

3. Educational

Educational videos focus on educating fans about a particular topic rather than promoting a specific product or service.

By providing valuable information relevant to your audience's interests, you position yourself as an authority on the topic and increase your brand's visibility.

These videos can establish you as a thought leader in your industry and build trust with potential customers.

For example, if you’re an executive coach, you might record an educational video about using a software program relevant to your target audience.

While this video may not directly promote your services, you’re providing valuable information about a relevant tool to those who might be part of your market.

4. Explainer

Explainer videos explain why customers might choose one product or service over another.

One of the key benefits of an explainer video is it can help differentiate your business from your competitors.

social media video marketing - Explain It Season 5 GIF by The Office

By highlighting your products or services' unique features and benefits, you demonstrate why you’re the best choice for potential customers.

This can be particularly effective in crowded markets with similar products or services.

Explainer videos can also be used to address common objections or concerns that potential customers may have.

By providing answers to these questions, you help alleviate doubts or hesitations about purchasing your products or services.

5. Behind-the-scenes

Behind-the-scenes videos provide viewers with an exclusive look at what goes on behind the scenes of a business.

These videos have become increasingly popular with viewers as they offer a unique and intimate perspective typically unseen in traditional marketing content.

Showing the people behind the products or services creates a more personal connection with your audience.

Create engaging content that resonates with viewers by showcasing your personality and quirks—or those of employees willing to be on camera.

Highlight your company culture and values, which can help attract like-minded customers who share those values.

6. Interviews

Interviews with experts can be highly effective in developing authority in your market. If an industry expert agrees to appear in your video, they lend you their credibility.

Another benefit of interviews is breaking up the monotony of hearing from the same people in every video.

By featuring different voices and perspectives, you keep your content fresh and engaging for viewers.

Interviews with happy customers can also help build authenticity and trust for your business.

7. Entertaining

Build your brand voice through entertainment videos.

Entertaining videos can be anything from funny skits to heartwarming stories.

This is your chance to establish yourself as a fun and relatable brand, showcase a unique personality or sense of humor, and create a memorable brand identity.

Entertaining videos also tend to be highly shareable.

When viewers enjoy a video, they are more likely to share it with their friends and followers on social media, which can lead to increased exposure for your business.

8. Testimonials

Video testimonials are a powerful social media tool to establish credibility and build trust with your audience.

Check out this video testimonial for Zoom:

You can create authentic content that resonates with viewers by featuring customers who share their experiences with your product or service.

Video testimonials are social proof for your business.

When potential customers see real people sharing their positive experiences, they’re more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.

This can lead to increased conversions and sales for your business.

9. Creative a narrative

In social media video marketing, creative storytelling is a powerful tool for establishing an emotional connection with your audience.

By telling a unique and engaging story, you differentiate your business from other brands in the industry.

Another benefit of using creative storytelling is that it helps build brand loyalty.

When viewers are moved by a story, they’ll likely share it with their friends and followers, increasing your business's exposure.

By making creative content that people enjoy, you foster a sense of community around your brand and encourage viewers to become advocates for your products or services.

☝️Pro Tip: If you want to increase your accessibility and engagement and reach a larger audience (think viewers who may be hard of hearing or folks whose native language isn't English), our friends over at Veed have a variety of tools where you can add subtitles to videos or generate automated subtitles.

Social Media Video Marketing Strategies

Creating effective social media video marketing strategies involves a few steps. Let’s take a look.

1. Get very familiar with your target audience.

When it comes to social media video marketing, knowing your target audience is crucial. This is where a customer persona comes in.

A customer persona (aka buyer persona) is a detailed description of your ideal customer.

By creating a buyer persona, you gain a deeper understanding of your market, making it easier to tailor your video marketing strategy accordingly.

Suppose your target audience is millennials interested in sustainable living. In that case, you may create videos highlighting the eco-friendliness of your products or services.

On the other hand, if your target audience is baby boomers interested in luxury travel, your videos might showcase the high-end amenities of your resort or hotel.

2. Pick your social platform(s).

When it comes to which platforms you choose for social media video marketing, you have many options.


Facebook is a popular platform for social media video marketing.

With almost 3 billion active users, it offers a wide audience reach.

Facebook's algorithm also prioritizes live video content, making it more likely to appear in users' feeds.

Use Facebook Live streaming to engage with your audience in real-time.

You can also use Facebook Stories or post pre-recorded videos to your page.


TikTok is a rapidly growing social media platform that offers businesses a unique opportunity to reach a younger audience and get more TikTok followers.

With its short-form video format and emphasis on creativity, TikTok can effectively showcase products or services in a fun and engaging way.

However, it's essential to understand the platform's culture and create social media content that aligns with it to be successful.


YouTube is a powerful platform for social media video marketing.

With over 2 billion users, it's the second-largest search engine in the world after Google.

And according to video marketing statistics from Google, more than 500 hours of video are uploaded to the platform every minute.

With so much content available, it can be challenging to stand out.

But using relevant keywords in the title and description of your YouTube video and creating high-quality content will help.


Instagram is a highly visual platform that allows you to showcase your products or services through online video content.

With over 1 billion active users, Instagram's video features, including Instagram Story, Instagram Reels, and Instagram Live, can help businesses increase social media engagement and brand awareness.

Creating visually appealing content that aligns with your brand's aesthetic and resonates with your fans is important.

3. Make a content pre- and post-production plan.

Creating a pre- and post-production plan is essential for video marketers in social media video marketing.

Pre-production is the planning and preparation phase before filming begins.

In contrast, post-production refers to the editing and finalization phase after filming.

During pre-production, determine the purpose of your video, identify your target audience, and create a script or storyboard.

social media video marketing - person drawing a storyboard

This includes deciding on the tone and style of the video, selecting the appropriate equipment and location, and scheduling actors or presenters if necessary.

Post-production involves editing the footage, adding music or sound effects, and finalizing the video for distribution.

This includes color correction, audio mixing, and adding text overlays or graphics.

A post-production plan ensures your video is polished and professional-looking before it's shared on your social media channel.

4. Get your videos out there!

Once your social media video is complete, it's time to schedule and promote it.

Determine the best time to post your video on each platform to maximize user engagement.

This varies depending on your target audience and the platform you choose.

Promotion involves sharing your video on multiple platforms and using relevant hashtags to increase visibility.

You can also collaborate with influencers or other businesses to reach a wider audience.

Paid promotion through a video ad can also be an effective part of your social media advertising.

You should track the performance of your videos using marketing analytics tools provided by each platform.

This data can help you refine your social media marketing video strategy and create more effective content marketing in the future.

5. Get comfortable with social media analytics.

Use social media analytics to identify which online videos are performing well and which are not.

social media video marketing - woman looking at computer with analytics information

For example, if a video receives many views but has low digital engagement, it may indicate that the content needs to be more relevant and engaging for the target audience.

In this case, adjust your content marketing strategy to create compelling videos that resonate with your social network.

Analytics can also improve conversions by tracking click-through and conversion rates.

For example, suppose a video with a call-to-action receives a high click-through rate but a low conversion rate.

That may indicate the call-to-action needs to be more compelling or the landing page needs to be optimized.

Analyze these metrics and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Are You Ready to Create Your Social Media Video Marketing Strategy?

Social media video marketing is a powerful social media marketing tool for creating successful campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Experiment with different social media tools and platforms to find what works best for your business.

If you haven't already, it's time to get started on your own social media video marketing strategy.

With the right approach, you can take your business to the next level and reach a wider audience than ever before.

Jennifer Ayling is a prize-winning SEO website copywriter. She specializes in helping business owners get their thoughts and ideas out of their heads and onto their websites.